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2015. The Practitioner’s Body of Knowledge: Dance/Movement in Training Programmes that Address Violence, Conflict and Peace. PhD Thesis. University of Aberdeen. Link

Journal Articles

2020. Embodied Decision Making: Self-Reflexivity in Professional Development Practice. Academia.Edu. Link

2018. Movement Decision-Making in Violence Prevention and Peace Practices. Journal of Peace Education. Link


2016. Traversing Distance and Proximity: The Integration of Psychodrama and Dance Movement Psychotherapy Techniques in Supervision, Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, Volume 11, Issue 1,  pp.1-15.  Link

2015. Shape (in)g Space: Body, Boundaries and Violence, Space and Culture. Vol 19, Issue 2, pp. 139-149.  Link


2011. The Body and Other Demons, Journal for Creativity in Mental Health, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 244-248. Link

Book Chapters

2019.  Acarón, T. and Wren, A. Under the Skin: Barriers and Opportunities for Dance Movement Therapy & Art Psychotherapy with LGBT+ Clients. In: S. Hogan, ed., Inscribed on the Body: Gender and Difference in the Arts Therapies. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 24-35. Link

2019. (in press). Rios, S. & Acarón, T.  Peacebuilding and Dance in the Afro-Colombian Funerary Ritual, In: Scott Appleby, Jolyon Mitchell, Hal Culbertson and Theodora Hawksley (eds) The Arts of Peacebuilding, 'Strategic Peacebuilding' Series.

2017. Therapeutic Performance: When Private Moves into Public. In: V. Karkou, S. Oliver and Lycouris, eds., The Oxford Handbook for Dance and Wellbeing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link

Book Reviews


2018 (in press). Essentials of Dance Movement Psychotherapy: International Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Journal of Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy.

2014. The Choreography of Conflict: Conflict, Movement and Neuroscience, Cooperation and Conflict Journal. Vol 51, Issue 3, pp. 402-404. Link

Conference Proceedings

Scottish Dance Movement Therapy Report, American Dance Therapy Association Conference Proceedings, October 2013


Surveying the Practice of Dance/Movement Therapy in Educational Settings: A Study of Uniformity and Diversity - Master’s Research Project & Poster Session Presented at the American Dance Therapy Association - This quantitative research study statistically describes the practice of dance movement psychotherapy in K–12 school settings in the United States. Abstract published in the 2004 American Dance Therapy Journal, 26 (1), p. 51.

Translated “Healing Processes in Group Dance Therapy” by Claire Schmais English-Spanish. Fundamental article on dance/movement therapy practices, authorised by one of the most influential dance movement psychotherapists in the field.


“We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto: An Alternate Route Student’s Story” (English) Article posted in American Dance Therapy Association website (2001-2004) as a guide for Alternate Route (independent study) students in dance movement psychotherapy.

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